Reports re Players Mr D Kirkwood reported very favorably on Rigg (Nelson) this player & it was agreed to ask the club if they were prepared to part with him. Kennedy (Rossendale) Mr J Fare reported favorably on this player & it was decided to see him again. Colfar (Howsons) Mr H Makepeace reported that in his opinion this player was too small to be of use to us. Players signed The Secy reported that the following players had re-signed for next Season viz Fern, Raitt, Macdonald, McBain, Hart, Reid, Chedgzoy, Irvine, Cock, Williams, Chadwick, Troup, Harrison, Rooney, Fleetwood, Harland, Virr & Wall. He also reported he had interviewed the remaining players & it was agreed that he again offer them the terms previously agreed upon except Weller who was to be offered £6 per week all round & Brown £6 per week all round & a benefit. It was agreed also that Peacock be allowed to live at Ince, but he was to pay his own travelling expenses to attend the ground. Transfer List Decided to grant Jeffes, Salt, Young & Alford free transfers & not to offer terms to Jackson & Moffat (at present with Wrexham) nor McGivney (with Chester) but to give Chester the option of re-signing the letter on same agreement as at present. Football League It was decided to nominate the following officers. J McKenna (President), J Lewis (V.P.) T A Bancroft, A J Dickinson & C E Sutcliffe (Management Committee). Linesmen It was decided to nominate the following Football League - C. E. Constantine & W H Peers