		Directors attending same.

Staff Wages		The wages of the staff were gone into & it
		was eventually decided that same remain as
		at present except D Kirkwood who was to have an
		increase of 10/- per week & the trainers who were
		not in future to receive bonuses. These alterations
		to take effect after close of present season.

Picnic			Mr A. Coffey's notice of motion to abandon
		the picnic was not agreed to - Decided
		that the whole of the players except Salt,
		Jeffes, Young & Alford to be invited along
		with the Trainers & Secy. The following
		Directors agreed to go viz Chairman & Messrs H Banks
		& W. C. Gibbins.

Continental Tour 	The Chairman reported that he had
		succeeded in obtaining a guarantee of £1000
		to play 3 matches in Barcelona during May.
		It was decided to accept the offer, but to
		try & get matches arranged for 2nd week instead
		of 4th week - The following players were
		selected to go. Fern, Raitt, Macdonald,
		Peacock, McBain, Hart, Chedgzoy, Irvine,
		Cock, Williams, Harrison, Downs, Fleetwood
		& Reid. - Trainer Cooke, Secretary & the
		following Directors & Chairman Messrs H Banks
		& W J Sawyer. An itinerary supplied by Messrs
		T Cook & Son was gone into & it was decided
		to accept their offer of £30.19.0 per head
		exclusive of Wines & travelling other than by
		rail or sea.

McGrae			Secy reported this player having been
		ordered off at Garston & his case was to be
		gone into on Friday next. Decided that Mr D
		Kirkwood attend with him.