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Reference number
796 EFC/1/1/15
Minutes 1921-1922
7 Feb 1921-10 Oct 1922
Contains minutes of general meetings, annual general meetings, emergency meetings.
26 Apr 1921 a letter from W. C. Cuff offering himself for election as a Director of the Club was read. 16 May 1921a letter was received from W. R. Clayton objecting to the balance sheet and business relating to the A.G.M. 20 Jun 1921 W. C. Cuff was elected a Director. 29 Aug 1921 it was confirmed that the Club had hired H. Makepeace as a player/coach. 27 Sep 1921 the Secretary reported that he had signed Robert Irvine. 6 Jan 1922 it was decided that Mr J. Fare should proceed to Glasgow to sign H. Hart from Airdrieonians. 14 Feb 1922 it was agreed to enter for the F.A. Cup and apply for exemption from the qualifying rounds. 10 Apr 1922 W. J. Sawyer and the Secretary were empowered to vote in favour of the proposal to reduce players' wages at the Football League Meeting on 12 Apr in Manchester. 19 Apr 1922 it was decided to go ahead with a tour to Copenhagen. 17 May 1922 a resolution had been received from shareholders calling for an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held to remove all the current directors from office. It was agreed to hold the meeting on 26 May. 26 May 1922 the resolution to remove the directors was lost. 13 Jun 1922 W. C. Cuff was voted in as Chairman of the Club. 26 Sep 1922 it was reported that Dr. Cecil Baxter had been appointed salaried medical officer to the Club. 3 Oct 1922 it was agreed to ask A. Leitch, architect, to attend a meeting to discuss a new Bullens Road stand.
Minutes signed by Andrew Coffey, Ernest Green, Dr. James C. Baxter, William C. Cuff.
Letters giving notice of the A.G.M.s on 21 June 1921 and 9 Jun 1922 including balance sheet pasted before minutes of the meetings. Letters from Companies Registration Office and agenda pasted next to minutes of 20 Jun 1920 and 19 Aug 1922. Notice from the Football Association pasted in next to minutes of 15 Jul 1921. Letter from Everton Football Club Co. Ltd. calling an Extraordinary General Meeting on 26 May 1922 next to minutes of meeting.
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