84 A. Grenyer Dr. J. F. Rawlinson's report on this player was read. A team matches It was decided not to have posters printed advertising these matches. Linfield F.C. An application from this club for permission to play B. Howard Baker in their match on 27th inst. was left in hands of chairman. Training Permission for Howarth, Robinson & Jones of the Chester F.C. to train on our ground on Tuesday & Thursday evenings was granted. Green Lane ground The agreement perused on behalf of the club by Mr. W. C. Cuff was approved & signed & a cheque for half the rent viz. £37.10.0 was signed. Players reporting Messrs Harrison, Livingstone & Brown late for Training appeared before the Board and after hearing their explanations it was decided that the two former be overlooked but the latter be reprimanded. Downs The player Downs & trainer Elliott & Elliott appeared on a complaint by the former. After hearing the statements of both, it was agreed that they endeavour to settle their differences. Entrance Door The question of providing new locks to certain doors was left to Mr. H. Banks to investigate & report at next meeting. Complimentary In addition to the list approved Tickets at last meeting it was agreed to issue a ticket to Mr. Robinson City Electrical Engineers. Cinematograph Messrs Pathe Freres were granted Rights permission to take pictures on our ground during forthcoming season.