83 Rangers F. C. An application for home & home fixtures from this club was deferred until next meeting. G. Clarkson The question of this man attending Dressing room on match days was discussed & it was decided that in future no person other than officials of the club be admitted into the dressing room or training quarters. Medical Stores The Secy. produced quotations he had received from Evans Sons Lescher & Webb & Ayrton Saunders & Co. for these stores. He was instructed to obtain a further Quotation from Bains & Co. Pensioned Soldiers An application having been received from the Breck Rd. Institution, it was decided to admit 25 per week to our matches to be admitted to north end portion of Bullens Rd. Stand on production of a ticket of authority issued by the Institution. Bands An application from the East Belfast Band for permission to play at one of our matches & take a collection was declined. Football Postcards An application from the L'pool Courier for permission to take photos of players & officials & publish postcards was agreed to. Cricket match The Secy's action in arranging a match v L'pool F.C. on Aug 23rd at Wavertree was confirmed. Sports An application for permission for our players to compete in the N. F. D. & D. S & S Sports on 24th inst. was not entertained. St. Edwards Orphanage An application from this Institution for use of ground to play match versus L'pool schoolboys at end of August or early in Sept. was not granted.