79 match, the tickets to be numbered 1-50 and a special number for the respective matches. Complimentary The list of these tickets was gone Season Tickets through & approved & it was also decided that each player on reserve be issued with a ticket for admission through Press Entrance. Players Tickets It was agreed to issue a Complimentary Gent & Lady's ticket to each player and in addition they may be issued not more than 2 tickets for any match on request & these latter to be issued for north end portion of Bullens Road stand only. Adverts. It was agreed to place the advts. for Echo & Express through Mr. E. A. Morton. Warning Notices The Secy. was instructed to have to Spectators these notices posted on the ground. Tranmere Rovers F.C. An application from this Club for us to send team to play a match on their ground in Sept. for benefit of three of their players was not entertained. J. Craig It was agreed to employ this man on same terms as last season. P. A. Telephone An application from the Press Association for permission to install a telephone in the Press Box at their own expense was agreed to. Prices A team matches It was decided that the charge for admission to A team matches on Green Lane Ground be 5d including tax. Journey to N'cle Agreed to travel to N'cle on day of match (Aug. 31st) stay overnight at County Hotel & return next day. J. Donnachie Permission was refused for this player to train on our ground.