
		were adopted as follows.
			That the Shareholders Stand be reserved
		for Shareholders only and that the members
		and Complimentary Tickets be issued for the Special
		Reserved portion of the Bullens Road Stand.
		That Blocks D. & E.  be added to the 3/6 (Block 7.)
		portion of the Goodison Road Stand.

Special			Resolved that this matter be
Door. Goodison	left in the hands of the Ground
Road.		Committee.

Minutes			It was reported that the Liverpool
season Tickets	Football Club had confirmed the arrangements
		as to members Tickets.

Fazackerley		Resolved that a Contract Ticket
Contract	be purchased between Preston and Liverpool
		for this player.

Permission		A letter was read from the Wigan
 to		Boro F.C.  asking permission for Owen Williams
train		our old player to train on the ground granted.

Piano			Decided to terminate the Hire of
		the Piano, & to ask Messrs Rushworth & Dreaper
		to remove same forthwith.

Wilson		Mr. McIntosh reported that this club were
Middlesboro F.C. prepared to consider on exchange in respect
		to this player. Left to Mr. McIntosh to inter-
		view them and report.

St. George's		Decided to grant the use of the Practice
Sunday School	ground to this School. for their Treat on
		Friday July 29th.

Player-Coach		Resolved that Mr. H. Makepeace be engaged
		as player's Coach at a weekly wage of £6, &
		that Mr. Cuff prepare an agreement with respect
		to his duties, & terms of his engagement.