
					Regulations as to the formation of Companies.

						Shareholders’ Season Tickets.

					Regulations adopted by the Council, 8th July, 1921.

			In consequence of further information supplied to The Football Association by Clubs particularly
		elected by the Regulation as to Shareholders’ Season Tickets adopted by the Council on 30th May, 
		1921, the Rules Revision Sub-Committee met the Representatives of The Football League in Conference 
		on Monday, 4th July, 1921.

			The Regulation was framed and adopted with the intention of stopping the traffic in shares for 
		purposes which could not be commended or approved by the Council and to put an end to the in-
		creasing abuse of shareholders dictating privileges for themselves which had not been declared on the 
		formation of the Company or sanctioned by The Football Association.

			The Members of the Conference were satisfied that the Regulation would act prejudicially to 
		Clubs that had faithfully carried out the original obligations without extension or variation and to 
		obviate any injustice to such Clubs, recommend the following Regulation for adoption in substitution 
		of the Regulation referred to:-

			"Privileges hitherto granted by Clubs to Shareholders registered as such before 
				the 1st day of May, 1921, may be continued (but not extended) to such 
				Shareholders. A Shareholder registered on or subsequent to such date may 
				have issued to him a Season Ticket or Tickets subject to a deduction of 
				5% from the amount charged to non-shareholders.

			Tickets so issued must not be sold. The privileges granted under this Regulation 
				shall be restricted to such holder and in case of death to such member of 
				his family as shall become the registered holder of the shares. The privilege 
				cannot be sold or granted to any other transferee.”

			LONDON, W. C. 1.