68 Season Tickets This question of fixing prices for Season Tickets was deferred until next meeting. Players Manager The question of the appointment of a player's manager was also deferred until next meeting. Programmes The offer of Mr. E. A. Morton for the sale of programmes &c. on ground for next season on same terms as last season was accepted. Players Picnic The fixing of a players picnic in August was left in the hands of the Chairman & Meesrs Cuff & Sawyer. Spellow F.C. An application from this Club for a donation was not acceded to. Rechabites It was agreed to grant this Society the use of the practice ground on Saturday July 23rd for their sports. L'pool County F.A. It was decided to nominate Mr. W. C. Cuff as Vice President & Mr. W. J. Sawyer as member of Committee of this Association. Hardy The Secy. reported that Stockport County F.C. were asking £2000 for this players transfer. Decided to leave the matter over. Crossley A letter was read from this player stating he was making good improvement. R. T. Francis A letter was read from this gentleman resigning his position as a Director. It was decided to accept same & Secy. was instructed to inform him of this decision & to write our appreciation of his services whilst a member of the Board.