67 [Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel, Liverpool on Friday 24th June 1921] Present Messrs H. Banks, Dr. J. C. Baxter, A. Coffey, W. C. Cuff, C. E. Dickinson, E. Green, W. C. Gibbins & W. J. Sawyer. Dr. J. C. Baxter was voted to the Chair pro tem. Chairman Dr. Baxter having eulogised the services of the retiring Chairman (Mr. A. Coffey) proposed his re election. This was seconded by Mr. E. Green & carried unanimously. Mr. A. Coffey duly returned thanks. Minutes The minutes of the Directors meeting held on 6th June & Annual General Meeting on 21st inst. also Finance Committee meetings held on 6th & 23rd inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The Secy. reported receipt of £199.1.9 as our share of Programmes for Season 1920-21. The Bank Balance was reported to be £7714.8.5 Dr. Committees The following Committees were elected Finance Messrs W. J. Sawyer (Chair), E. Green & W. C. Cuff. Ground " H. Bank (Chair), Dr. Baxter & C. E. Dickinson. Stores " W. C. Gibbins (Chair), H. Banks & C. E. Dickinson. Meetings It was decided that all emergency meetings shall not be recorded in the Annual list of attendances. Ground) Secy. reported on his negotiations for A team) with Green Lane Trams for use of their ground & the matter was left in his hands to settle. Fazackerley Secy. reported having re signed this player on terms as offered him by the Board.