
Dividend		On the proposition of Mr. W. J. Sawyer
		seconded by Mr. H. Banks it was decided
		to pay a dividend of 5% free of Income
		Tax on the paid up capital of the Company
		for the year ending 7th May 1921.

Election of		Mr. W. R. Clayton having explained
Directors	the reason for Mr. J. G. Davies & himself
		not offering themselves for re-election
		and nominations having only been received
		for Messrs W. C. Cuff & C. E. Dickinson, the
		Chairman duly declared these two
		gentlemen & himself as duly elected
		to the Directorate. Messrs Cuff & Dickinson returned
		thanks to the Shareholders.

Auditors		It was agreed to re-elect Messrs
		T. Theodore Rogers Bowler & Co. as Auditors
		at a fee of Fifty Guineas for the year
		ending 6th May 1922.

Players Signed		The Secretary read a list
		of the professional & amateur players
		signed on for next season.

Resignation		Mr. R. T. Francis formally handed
		in his resignation as a Director of the
		Company & the Chairman stated that
		the question would be dealt with at
		the next meeting of the Board.

Life Members		Mr. J. Sampson raised the question
		of electing Messrs W. R. Clayton, J. G. Davies
		& John Davies honorary life members of the
		club but the Chairman ruled him out
		of order.
			A vote of thanks having been passed
		to the Chairman, he then declared the meeting closed.
					24/6/1921 A. Coffey