63 Alex Dick Fund The Secy. intimated that this fund was now exhausted except for an amount s d of 5/2. It was decided to keep same open for the present. Fazackerley Secy. reported that he has arranged to meet this player tomorrow re signing on. Wolverhampton) Letter read from this club asking for Wanderers ) a rebate of £150 re Mayson's transfer fee. Decided that owing to their signing him on before the fee was reduced by the League no action be taken. J. G. Davies Esq. Telegram read from this Director with reference to calling of previous meeting. N. F. D. & D. S & S An application from this Federation for use of ground for match between the Liverpool School boys & another team for benefit of their funds was not entertained at present & Secy. was instructed to notify them to apply again in August. Band It was agreed to give the fund of the St. Grenyer Industrial School a trial engagement next season at £3.10.0. Fry & Sons Ld. An offer of £20 per annum for sole right of selling their manufactures on ground was not entertained, and it was agreed to re let same to Bovril Ld. at present rent £16. J. Craig's reports Reports were read regarding several Scottish junior players. L'pool County F.A. It was decided that the Secy. reported the Club at the Annual Meeting of this Assocn. on 10th inst. Ground for A team It was agreed that Secy. arrange with Thingwall F.C. for joint use of their ground at Wavertree for next season at a rent of £30.