60 to take action with regard to any unauthorised person selling arctiles on the ground in future. J. Carr (Mbro) Secy. was instructed to make enquiries regarding this player. Right Back (Rhos) It was decided to ask Mr. Tilston if he could get this player to play a trial at beginning of next season. Grayson's F.C. A letter from this club regarding the Liverpool League Cup was left over until next meeting. Piano The question of the hire of Piano was brought up & it was agreed that unless Messrs Rushworth & Dreaper were prepared to grant a larger proportion of the hire money paid, than they suggested, towards purchase of new Piano that they be instructed to take present one away at end of paid up period. W. R. Clayton Esq. A letter was read from this Director taking objection to the balance sheet & business relating to Annual Meeting being dealt with owing to short notice received for this Meeting. Secy. was instructed to reply that "whilst the Director present held "that they were quite in order is dealing with" "the whole of the business before them, they did," "in deference to your wishes, decide to postpone" "the business with regard to the a/cs &c. until" "6th prox. to give you an opportunity of being present." Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Monday 6th proxt. at 7.30 pm. & that Mr. H. Bowler be asked to attend with draft balance sheet. Confirmed. 6/6/1921 A. Coffey. Chairman