57 J. W. Bradbury An application from this player for financial assistance owing to illness was deferred. Reports re Players Mr. W. R. Clayton reported favorably on Littlewood (R. B.) of Elwe & Hawarden & the Goalkeeper & R. Back of Rhos. H. Leddy Chairman reported that this player had been signed on at £9 per week & the transfer fee agreed with the Glenavon F.C. was £1400. Action confirmed. Yarwood J. Secy. reported that this player had been signed on at £5 per week & the transfer fees were £50 to Bury & £450 to Atherton. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of shares were approved:- James Hughes to 1 fully pd share No. 2289. & 1 p.p. do No. 860. Daniel Camella to 3 p.p. shares Nos. 60-62. Next Meeting Agreed that the question of calling next meeting be left in hands of Chairman. Confirmed 26/5/1921 A. Coffey Chairman