50 Transfer of Shares The following transfer of shares was approved Alfred D. Heaton to Herbert Heaton 3 pp Shares Nos. 2005-2007. Transfer lists It was decided that the names of players to be placed on the transfer lists to be sent to the Football & Central Leagues be as follows. Bissett J. T. (£250), Farrer P. (Free), Howarth H. B. (Free), Kearslake J. G. (Free), Kirsopp W. H. J. (£1000), Leivesley W. (Free), Mayson T. (£250), Parker R. N. (£1000), Robinson W. (Free), Stroud W. (Free), Thompson R. (£1000), Williams O. (Free). Players signed The Secy. reported that the following additional players had been re-signed Fare (£6), Clennell (£9), Spencer (£6), Grenyer (£9), Peacock (£9), Garrett (£6), McGrae (£3) & that Smith (£3) would sign tomorrow. Downs It was reported that these two & Fazackerley players had refused to re-sign, and Secy. was instructed to offer them the limit wage by registered letter, and to reported them to the F.A. Shareholder's Mr. W. R. Clayton gave a report on the Tickets proceedings at the meeting of the Commission held at Manchester on this question. Galbraith (decd.) Secy. reported that the Insurance Coy. had admitted liability for compensation in this case. Team Selections The following teams were selected v Tranmere Rovers Final L'pool cup. B. H. Baker or Salt. Downs Macdonald Brown Brewster Weller Jones Spencer Davies Clennell Smith Res. Wall.