45 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, Liverpool on Tuesday 26th April 1921] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) " W. R. Clayton Mr. W. J. Sawyer " H. Banks " W. C. Gibbins " J. G. Davies " R. T. Francis " E. Green Dr. J. C. Baxter Minutes The Minutes of Directors & Finance Committee meetings held on the 20th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The following gate receipts were reported Apl. 19 v St. Domingo's B. C. gross £14.18.8 Tax £8.15.10 " 20 v Rochdale gross £100.12.4 Tax £25. 4.0 " 23 v Burnley " £2640.18.9 " £547.13.6 The Bank Balance was reported to be £1581.5.9 Dr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Burnley 1-1, Bury Res. 2-1, Tranmare Rovers 4-5, v Orford St. Johns 1-1. Trainer's Report Trainer Elliott reported all players fit except Grenyer, Garrett, Crossley & Thompson. Reports re Players Mr. J. Craig's report on various Scottish players was read. Mr. J. Fare reported favorably on Lowes (I.F.) v unfavorably on Davison (C. H.) of Durham City. The Secy. reported favorably on Yarwood (L. B.) of Atherton. Mr. E. Belshaw wrote regarding Poole an inside forward & it was decided to try & get him to play a trial.