
Baseball		An application from the English
		Baseball Assocn. for use of the ground on 30th
		July was declined.

Davison			Letters from the Durham City F.C.
(Durham City)	& Mr. Belshaw re this  player were read.

Shareholders		The F.A. having written for copy
Season Tickets	of our Articles of Assocn, Secy. reported that
		same had been sent.

Players to retain	It was decided to retain the
		services of McGrae £3 per week. Fare & Spencer
		£4 per week. Stroud to be placed on transfer
		list & the following players to be deferred
		Clennell, Garrett, Smith.
			Weller to be offered re-engagement
		at £8 per week.

Players to watch	Mr. E. Green to watch Bradshaw (Southport).
			J. Craig to watch McLean (Forfar).
			Secy. to watch Central League v Lancs. Combn.
			J. Fare to watch Davison (Durham City).
			Messrs Green & Secy. to watch Kirkdale
			v Graysons N. E.

Team Selections		The following teams were selected
		v Barnley (h) 23rd inst.
			Downs		Macdonald
		   Brown	Fleetwood	Peacock
		Chedgzoy   Reid   Fazackerley   Crossley   Harrison
		Res. Brewster.

		v Bury Res. (a) 23rd inst.
			Fare		Livingstone
		   Weller	Garrett		Barlow
		   Spencer   Wall   Moffat   Davies   Alford
		Res. Robinson.