32 L'pool County F. A.) It was agreed to make a donation Benevolent Fund ) of £15 to this fund. Gray The Secy. was instructed to apply for the sum of £12 from the Benevolent Fund of the L'pool County F. A. towards this players expenses through injury. Grenyer Secy. reported that this player had been operated on. St. Domingo F. C. The Secy.'s action in arranging match with this Club on 19th inst. was confirmed. R. Heap's Benefit Permission was granted for T. Fleetwood & S. Fazackerley to play in this match on 13th inst. Stoke F. C. The Secy. reported that with the Chairman's permission he had offered the following players to this club viz. Kirsopp, Leivesley, Howarth & Thompson. Central League It was decided to support the C. L. Management Committee's recommendation that the league in future be composed of reserve teams of league clubs only. International matches The Secy. reported that the following players had been selected. Chedgzoy for England v Scotland on 9th inst. Brewster " Scotland v England do Davies " Wales v Ireland do. Liverpool Senior) The Secy's action in arranging our Cup )Semi final v L'pool to be played on the 18th inst. was confirmed. Galbraith "A" Secy. reported that this man had died on 1st inst. and that he had attended the inquest at which a verdict of accidental death had been brought in