31 Settle (I. F.) Holmes Messrs Clayton & Davies reported favorably (C. H.) & Tootle (F. B.) Skelmersdale on these players & it was decided that Mr. J. Fare watch them again on Sat. next. Livingstone (F.B.) The Secy. reported on his visit to (Celtic F. C.) Celtic v Dumbarton & reported favorably on Till (F. B.) these two players and that he had interviewd (Dumbarton) the latter's directors who were prepared to accept transfer fee of £1300. It was agreed that Secy. offer £800 with powers up to £1000 for this player. It was decided to ask the Celtic F. C. what transfer fee they required for Livingstone & if considered satisfactory Messrs Coffey, Green Secy. watch him again on Sat. next & enter into negotiations with the Club. Players for Transfer It was decided that the following players be offered to the various Football League & Scottish League clubs:- R. Thompson W. Leivesley, O. Williams, W. H. J. Kirsopp, A. E. Smith, H. B. Howarth, W. Robinson, S. Farrer & J. McGrae. I Zingari League It was decided to grant the use of the ground to this League for their Cup final on April 11th. Wedding Presents It was agreed that the following players be given Wedding presents in kind up to the value of £20 viz. Weller, Crossley, Fazackerley, Kirsopp, Grenyer & Macdonald. L'pool League It was decided to grant use of the ground for Houston Cup Final on Sat. 30th inst. at 6.30. Transfer of Shares The following transfer of shares was approved S. L. Johnson to Alice Mary Ann Robinson 3 shares No. 1269-1271.