{Meeting of Directors held at
the Bradford Hotel on Thursday
31st March 192}
Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair)
" W. R. Clayton Mr. H. Banks
" E. Green Dr. J. C. Baxter
" R. T. Francis Mr. W. J. Sawyer.
Teams The following changes were made in
the teams for Saturday.
Brewster for Fleetwood at Oldham
Weller for Macdonald do
Fleetwood reserve in place of Weller
Leivesley for Garret at Barrow
Garret for Brewster at home.
Irish Players The Secy. reported on his visit
to Belfast visiting 5 matches, but the
only player he could reccommend was
Anderson (I. R.) Distillery.
McConnell It was decided that Mr. J. Fare
(Slough) watch this player at Reading on Sat.
Hurler (F. B.) Mr. Fare was instructed to make
(Reading) inquiries as to whether the club would
part with this back.
Till (F. B.) The Secy. was instructed to watch
(Dumbarton) this player on Sat. next.
Director to Barrow Mr. H. Banks.
4/4/1921 A. Coffey