
Smailes (N'cle U.)	Secy. reported that this player was on offer at
		£1500. Decided that H. Makepeace & D. Kirkwood watch
		his play on Sat. next.

Chester F.C. 		An application to alter date of Combn. match
		from 23rd to 25th Decr. was not entertained.

G. Edmunds		Application having been received from
		this player it was decided to give him 1 months trial.

L'pool Schools F.A.	It was decided to receive a deputation
		from this Assocn. at next meeting.

Donation		Decided that the donation of £25 in lieu
		of Charity match be divided equally between the
		Police Aided Clothing Fund & L'pool Children's Hospital.

Library			It was decided to give the contents of
		the Club Library to Mr. E. Green for the use of
		his scholars.

Kemp			Secy. reported that if Club would be prepared
		to compensate this player for loss of work in
		addition to a wage of 30/- per week he would 
		sign pro forms. This was agreed to.

Hill (Plymouth)		Letter read stating that club were not
		prepared to part with this player.

Training		Decided to take players to W. Kirby on
		Friday next & to theatre at night.

Wrexham F.C. 		Chairman reported that this club had
		enquired for players. It was decided to offer
		them McGrae, Moffat & Jackson & the following
		Directors were appointed to deal with the matter
		Chairman & Messrs Coffey, Sawyer & Sharp.

Player to Watch		Mr. J. Fare to watch Wright (C. H.) of Earle F.C.

Next Meeting		Ordered that next meeting be held at
		Goodison Park Tuesday 17th inst. at 6.30 pm.

							W. C. Cuff