300 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Tuesday 10th October 1922] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of Meeting held on the 3rd inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The gate v Burscough Rangers on 7th inst. was reported to be £27.7.5 gross Tax £5.13.3. Bank Balance £8491.2.9 Dr. Cheques were signed for the following Collector of Customs & Excise Enterts. Tax £5.13.3. T. H. McIntosh Wages £300.0.0. Doctor's & Trainer's The Doctor & trainer Elliott reported the Reports following players unfit viz. Spencer, Downs, Weller & probably Fern. Bullens Rd. Stand Mr A. Leitch attended & the Board pointed out their possible requirements re a proposed new stand. He was asked to submit model & estimated cost of same. Reports of Matches Reports of matches v L'pool 1-5, Oldham Res. 1-5 & Burscough Rangers 1-1 were received. Band Mr. Leadbetter the conductor of Boys Band attended & explained his position. Decided to give a further trial to his Band. Leave of Absence R. Irvine was granted leave of absence from after match on 14th inst. to Wed. 18th inst. B. Howard Baker It was stated that this player was desirous of returning to us. It was decided that Secy. proceed to London to interview the Chelsea officials & ask if they would be prepared to grant us his transfer.