J. K. Taylor It was decided to engage this player
for a month's trial; terms to be left to Secy.
Donations Several applications for donations were
allowed to be on the table.
Window Bills Owing to a great money hotels refusing
to show bills, it was decided that only 75
be ordered for next week & the question
of discontinuance of these was left over until
next meeting.
Use of Ground An application for use of Goodison Park
for match between W. African Merchants & Brokers
was not entertained but they were offered the
use of Townsend Lane ground.
Toner Secy. was instructed to enquire of the
(Arsenal) club were prepared to part with this player.
Moffatt It was decided to put this player
on offer to clubs.
Fishwick (Chorley) Mr. A. R. Wade brought forward the
Regg (Nelson) names of these players & suggested they be
seen in the future.
Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held
at Goodison Park on Tuesday 19th inst. at 6:30 p.m.
W. C. cuff