287 A. Grenyer This player appeared before the Board & was informed they could not see their way to release him. He was offered the maximum wage & it was left to Secy. to try & get him to re-sign. J. Gough Letter read from this goalkeeper asking if we could now offer him an engagement. Agreed to decide the matter after match & Rovers Res. Practice match It was decided to allocate these net receipts receipts as follows:- £310.19.11 to Stanley Hospital & £310.19.10 to L'pool Hospital Saturday Fund & the balance (refund of tax) £206.9.4 to be divided pro rate to same Charities as last year. Shareholders Secy. reported that all A Stand double Tickets tickets had been disposed of & it was decided not to issue any more. Complimentary The following applications for tickets were Tickets refused. G. W. Rly. L'pool, G. W. Rly. Chester, J. Peace "Post & Mercury", Pathe Freres Film Co. A ticket for admission of W. Moorcroft (blinded ex Soldier) & his guide was granted. Roof of Bullens The Chairman of Ground Committee (Mr. H. Banks) Rd. Stand reported on the state of this roof. He was granted powers to carry out temporary repairs & in meantime to obtain estimates for a new roof. Players to watch It was decided that Messrs A. Coffey & J. Sharp watch Wilkinson (G.K.) Bradford City at Blackpool on Sat. next. & Mr. J. Fare to watch left half of Thompsons Workers F.C. Sunderland. Players on Transfer Lists of players on transfer from Leeds City & Halifax Town F.C. received & no action taken