275 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park on Saturday 19th Aug. 1922.] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Dr. J. C. Baxter. Chedgzoy The Secy. reported that Chedgzoy had returned & reported to him yesterday & on instruction of the Chairman had asked him to attend today. It was decided to re sign him, but in view of his refusal to re sign in May last he be spoken to by the Chairman as to his future conduct. He appeared before the Board & it was also decided to play him in practice match. Cowan & Troup The deputation gave their report on these two players stating that Cowan had not played too well but that Troup was very good. It was stated that the Dundee club were meeting & would fix prices on both players if they decided to part & let us know. Letter of thanks Secy. reported receipt of letter of thanks from Mr. A. M. Dickinson for vote of Condolence & from Walton Lane O. B. F. C. for gift of football. Confirmed W. C. Cuff Chairman