274 Captain & Sub } Geo. Brewster was appointed Captain Capt. } & H. Hart Sub Capt. of 1st team for Season 1922-23. A. Downs This player having applied for permission to live & Train at Barnsley same was granted in first instance for 2 months, but he must attend the ground here once a week. Rates The question of the assessment for Bill posting Station was left in hands of Mr. W. J. Sawyer. Chedgzoy It was decided that should this player return, he be not signed on until he appears before the Board. Walton Lanc. O. B. It was agreed to present this F. C. Club with a new ball. Arrangements } It was decided to travel to N'cle for Newcastle }by 2.10 train on the afternoon of the 25th inst. & return by 5.20 via Carlisle on 26th inst. Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Tuesday next after Practice match between A team & locals. Confirmed W. C. Cuff Chairman