272 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, Liverpool on Monday 14th August 1922] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors. Minutes The Minutes of meetings held on 1st & 5th inst. were read & confirmed. Cowan v Troup As Mr. Sawyer was unable to proceed to Dundee, the deputation was to consist of the Chairman & Messrs H. Banks & A. Coffey. Vacancy on It was decided that in the event Board of Mr. J. Sharp being willing to accept the position it was unanimously decided to elect him to serve in the place of the late Mr.C. E. Dickinson. In the meantime the Chairman to interview him on the matter. Team Selections The following teams were selected for Practice match on the 19th inst. Blues Salt Downs Livingstone Peacock Brewster Hart Jones Fazackerley Irvine Williams & Harrison Whites Gaugh Raitt Macdonald Brown Caddick Reid Parry Miller Forbes Jackson Alford In the event of Cowan & Troup being signed they were to play on left wing of Blues side v Williams & Harrison transferred to Whites. Reports re Players Mr. J. Craig's reports on Scottish Junior players was read as also was a letter from Mr. Hutchinson re Barrie & Grenyer of Kirkintilloch Rob. Roy. Secy. stated he had asked Mr. Craig to watch these two players.