
		re engage him as Supervisor of Training &
		Players Coach at £6 for week. This was
		approved & Secy. was instructed to write him
		to this effect & that he had to carry out his
		duties under the orders of the Directors through
		the Secy. & to ask the date he was likely
		to be able to commence his duties.

Billposting}		It was decided to send Messrs David
Station	   }	Allen & Sons and a/c for a proportion of the
		rates paid for last year.

Training		Trainer Elliott appeared before the
		Board & was instructed as to the duties
		he would be expected to carry out for
		next Season.

			It was also decided that no ball
		practice be allowed on the ground (playing pitch) until
		after the 14th inst.

Refreshments		It was decided to issue tickets
		for refreshments in Board room & office
		after matches in future & Secy. was instructed
		to order the necessary tickets.

Sports			Letter read from Councillor Walker
		re our players taking part in allied
		workers Sports on 21st inst. The Chairman
		was deputed to speak to the players on
		the matter at the Picnic.

Next Meeting		Left in hands of Chairman to call
		next meeting but decided that teams for
		Practice match on 14th inst. be selected at Picnic.

						W.C. Cuff