A/Cs Cheques were signed for the following.
E Gledhill & Son 3rd party Insce. for Property £ 4. 0.0
Thos. Cook & Son Balce.of Exs. re Continental Loan £133. 6.6
T. H. McIntosh Salary £ 41.13.4
Do Wages £218.10.0
C. A. Crossley Accrued Share of Benefit £200. 0.0
Cricket Match Secy. reported he had been approached
with regard to arranging a match v Liverpool F. C.
on Wavertree ground. It was agreed to play
this but an application for another match
v Police C. C. was not entertained.
Sale of
Season Tickets An application from the Diamond Sports
Co. to sell our Season Tickets was not entertained.
Catering It was decided to accept the offer of
the City Caterers Ld. of £30 + 10% of Cafe receipts
for sale right of catering on ground for next Season.
Ground Townsend It was reported that the fencing in
Lane of our playing pitch had now been practically
completed & the Chairman stated he had seen
the work & highly approved of the manner it
had been done. It was decided that the
Directors inspect the work after present meeting.
It was decided to erect a further
70 yds. of fencing behind Carate Rd. of
a cost of a boat £20.
Aberdeen F.C. A further letter from this club was
read asking if we could re consider the
decision re Simpsons benefit match. Secy.
instructed to reply that we regret very much
our inability to comply with the request.
Grenyer This player having applied to be placed
on open to transfer list it was decided
to do so & send his name to 1st. & 2nd. Div. Club
& Celtic Rangers & Heart. The fee was fixed at £1500.