267 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Tuesday 1st August 1922] Present Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair.) and all other Directors except Dr. Baxter & Mr. E. Green. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on 27th June were read & confirmed. Vacant } It was reported that Mr. C. E. Dickinson Directorship} (Director) had died on the 1st inst. and a vote of condolence with his widow was passed, the whole of the members standing. Secy. was instructed to forward letter to Mr. Dickinson. Secy. was also instructed to place on the Agenda for next meeting the question of the election of a Director to fill the Vacancy. Cowan Correspondence with the Dundee F. C. was (Dundee) read re proposed transfer of this player. Secy. reported an interview he had had with the Dundee Secy. intimating that we could watch Cowan play on 16th inst. It was agreed to send a deputation to be appointed later. In the meantime Mr. Sawyer Promised to find out dates of their practice matches and it was decided Mr. Fare attend same. Fixtures Application for fixtures were received from Ellesmere Port C. W. F. C. & Wrexham Res. but the matter was deferred until later on. Wrexham F. C. Letter read asking if we could let this Club have several players. Decided to replay in the negative. Captain & } The question of these appointments was Vice Captain} left over pending the Chairman suggesting to the players to let us have their nominations