264 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Tuesday 27th June 1922] Present Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. C. E. Dickinson (ill). Minutes The Minutes of Meeting held on the 13th inst. were read & confirmed. Ground } Mr. H. Banks & Secy. reported that estimates Townsend Lane} had been obtained for the fencing in of the playing pitch the cost of which would be from £94 to £100. These prices were accepted but it was decided not to order the material until the agreement with the A. L'pool F. C. had been completed. Secy. reported the applications for the use of the remaining playing pitches and it was left in the hands of the Ground Committee & Secy. to make a selection and let same to the most suitable applicants. Staff The questions of Elliotts engagement was gone into and after discussion it was decided not to interfere with same, but before the season starts he is to appear before the Board with regard to his future conduct & duties. It was decided to re engage H. Makepeace at £6 per week and it was left in the hands of the Chairman & Mr. A. Coffey to interview him & fix up his length of agreement & future duties. Chedgzoy & Gienger Secy. reported that these two players had not yet re-singed, but it was decided to take no action.