to pay a Dividend of 5% free of Income Tax
on the paid up Capital of the Company for
the year ending 6th May 1922.
Election of } Mr. W. J. Sawyer proposed & Mr. J. Comus
Directors } seconded that the election of Directors be
by ballot. This was carried and the
following Scrutineers were appointed
Messrs Robt Rowlands, Walter Gray, W. Goodge,
Tom Taylor, C. Mckie & W. Barnes.
The result of the ballot was as follows
Dr. J. C. Baxter 420
Mr. A. R. Wade 417
" E. Green 416
" J. E. Hindle 197
" T. Heaton 191
" W. J. Harrop 187
The Chairman there upon declared the
first three duly elected.
Mr. C. E. Dickinson On the motion of Mr. S. Backhouse
it was decided to send a letter of sympathy
to this Director in his illness.
Auditors On the proposition of Mr. J. Comus
seconded by Mr. D. Cumella, Messrs Thos. Roger
Bowler & Co. were re-elected Auditor at a fee
of Fifty Guineas.
Vote of Thanks Mr. C. Wright proposed & Mr. J. Loughran
seconded a hearty vote of thanks to the Directors
for their past services and this having been
carried the Chairman declared the meeting at
an end.
13/6/1922 A. Coffey