Reports re Players Mr. J. Craig's report re Scottish Junior
was read & it was decided to ask him to
endeavour to induce Robertson (I. F.), Marghill
& Miller (L. B. of Bellshill) to come down for trials
at beginning of next Season.
Proxies Secy. reported that 399 proxies had been
handed in, in favor of Messrs Coffey, Cuff & Dickinson
& 176 in favor of Messrs Harrop, Heaton & Hindle.
Finney Secy. reported on his interview with
this player who however had signed on for
Bolton Wanderers.
Marquis (P. N. E.) Secy. was asked to write the Preston N. E.
club if they had reconsidered the price for this
Ferguson (Motherwell) Letters were read from the Clubs regarding
Forbes (Hearts) these players & after discussing the respective
Troup & Cowan (Dundee) merits, it was decided that the Chairman
McMillan (Gillingham) & Secy. proceed to Edinburgh on Sat. next
to endeavour to secure the transfer of Forbes
up to a sum of £1750.
Yarwood Secy. reported that this player had
signed for Oldham Athletic who had paid the
transfer fee of £150.
L. U. B. C. The question of our running a team
in this league was discussed, but it was
decided not to entertain the idea but if
the junior players on our list could be placed
with other clubs, such clubs to receive a donation.
Ground Townsend A letter was read from the North Liverpool
Lane F. C. stating that the fixtures on the ground
owned by them were valued at £60. It was
decided that if this Club would hand on
same to us & erect further fencing if we
provided the material, they were to have the