
			[Extra Ordinary General Meeting held
			at the Law Association Rooms, Cook
			St. Liverpool on Friday 26th May 1922.]

		Present	Mr. A. Coffey (Chair)
		Messrs H. Banks, W. C. Cuff, E. Green, W. C. Gibbins
		W. J. Sawyer & A. R. Wade (Directors) and a representative
		body of Shareholders. The Club were legally represented
		by Mr. Glasgow of Simpson North & Co.
			The Secretary read the notice convening
		the meeting.

Press			It was agreed that the members of the 
		Press be admitted.

Speeches		It was proposed & seconded that the proposer & seconder should be
		limited to 10 minutes & remaining speakers to 5 minutes each. Carried.
Resolution		Mr. T. J. Ivens proposed & Mr. H. W. Burns seconded
		the following resolution viz.
		"That it is in the best interests of this Company
		"that there should be a complete change in the
		"Directors and that the whole of the present
		"Directors of the Company be removed from office
		"and cease to be Directors accordingly."
			The following shareholders spoke in
		favor of the resolution:- Messrs J. A. Davies, J. E.
		Hindle, W. R. Clayton & W. T. Heaton.
		& the following shareholders against.
		Messrs J. S. Catterall, W. Green, G. Clarkson, W. E. Russell
		& C. Wright.
			Mr. W. C. Cuff replied on behalf of the Board.
			On the resolution being put the voting
		by  show of hands resulted as follows. For 47
		Against 103. The Chairman therefore declared
		the resolution lost.
			This concluded the meeting.


					    7/6/1922 A. Coffey
