No.787 ..... Everton Football Club Company Limited. _____________________ Goodison Park, Liverpool, 17th May, 1922. TAKE NOTICE that an EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB COMPANY LIMITED will be held at the Law Association Rooms, 14, Cook Street, Liverpool, on Friday, the 26th day of May, 1922, at 8 o'clock in the evening, in pursuance of a requisition dated the sixth day of May, 1922, and deposited at the Registered Office of the Company on the tenth day of May, 1922, signed by the holders of one-tenth of the issued capital of the Company, and that at such Meeting the following business will, in accordance with the said requisition, be taken into consideration, namely, to consider, and if approved, to carry the following RESOLUTION :— "That it is in the best interests of this Company that "there should be a complete change in the Directors, and "that the whole of the present Directors of the Company "be removed from office and cease to be Directors accordingly." THOS. H. McINTOSH, Secretary.