
		& the distribution & counting of voting papers & that
		they be authorized to obtain the necessary assistance
		(d) to dispatch notices of meeting & copy of a/cs to

Extra ordinary	}	The action of the Chairman in appointing
Genl. Meeting	} the Auditors to attend to this meeting on the 26th
		inst. in a similar manner to that obtaining at
		the Annual Meeting was confirmed.

Solicitors		It was decided that Messrs Simpson North
		& Co., 1 Water St. be appointed. Solicitors to the Coy
		to attend to all legal matters in connection with
		the forthcoming Extra-ordinary General & Annual
		General Meetings.

Proxies			The proxies were gone through & afetr deletion
		it was stated that 378 had been handed on
		in favor of Messrs A. Coffey or W. C. Cuff or C. E. Dickinson
		& 153 in favor of Messrs T. Heaton or J. E. Hindle or W. J. Harrop.

Holiday Fixtures}	The question of the arranging of these
& C. L. Fixtures} fixtures was left in the hands of the Directors
		& Secy. attending the Annual Meetings.

R. Downs		Secy. reported an interview he had had
		with this player relating to his release but
		it was decided we offer to sign him on at
		maximum wages.

Marquis (P. N. E.)	Secy. reported that he understood the club
		were prepared to part with this player. Decided
		that the Deputation to London make all enquiries
		& report at next meeting.

Crossley		It was agreed that in the event of
		this player coming to terms with any club,
		he be paid the sum of £100 as accrued
		share of benefit, provided the transfer fee
		received was £1000.