246 him for the letter & that we would bring his name forward again in August. Transfers A number of list from Clubs were read of men on transfer. No action. Stansfield Dr. McMurray's report re the injury to this player was considered and decided that a copy of same be given to Shansfield & he be informed that the Club were prepared to pay for the operation without prejudice. League Minutes The League Minutes were read. Pontypridd F. C. Circular letter received asking for support for to obtain admission to the Southern Section of the 3rd Division of League. Same to lay on Table. Practice Ground An application from the Vicar of St. Chads for the Practice Ground for July 8th for their infants Picnic, was granted. J. Kelso The Secy. reported that this Player was anxious to know if the Club wished to retain his services. Decided that at the present they could not offer him an engagement, but that they would keep him in mind & write his father to that effect. Southend United An application from this Club for the & Bissett free transfer of Bissett also letter from the Player was considered, and it was decided to grant him a free transfer to the Club mentioned, so as to enable him to get an engagement. McCluggage Letter read from Mr. McDowell, Belfast & Wallace recommending these players. No action.