243 [Special Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, Liverpool on Thursday 4th May 1922] Present Messrs E. Green (Chair), H. Banks, W. C. Gibbins, W. J. Sawyer & A. R. Wade. Signing on The Secy. reported that the following players had not accepted the terms offered viz. McGrae, Spencer, Salt, Jones, Brown, Peacock & Harrison. They appeared at the Meeting & after discussions with each player terms were arranged as follows:- McGrae £5 per week all year round. Spencer £6 in Summer & £7 in Winter. Salt £6 per week to 30/10/22 & £7 from that date to 5/5/23 Jones £6 in Summer & £8 in Winter. Brown This player to be given an undertaking to have a benefit during next Season subject to consent of League. Harrison to have an undertaking to receive a benefit in the following season after serving 10 consecutive seasons subject to consent of League. Peacock to have a similar undertaking to have a benefit after 5 consecutive years. Wall Decided to increase this player's wages to £7 in winter. Stansfield Letter read from this player re. his injury & asking to see a specialist. Secy. was instructed to communicate with Mr. W. C. Cuff & if no legal liability was incurred, he be allowed to see specialist at our expense. Confirmed E. Green Chairman