239 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Liverpool on Monday 1st May 1922] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. C. E. Dickinson who was ill. Minutes The Minutes of Meetings held on the 25th & 27th inst. and Finance Committee held on the 27th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The following gate receipts were reported. Apl. 24 Mahon Cup Final Net £26.9.6 Tax £ 8.16.11 " 25 Royden Shield do Net 2/- " 26 L'pool School F.A. semi-finals net £22. 6. 6 27 L.U.B.C. Final " £22. 4. 9 29 v Aston Villa Res. gross £105.13.10 Tax £26. 8. 7 29 Houston Cup Final net £56.8.0 Tax £19. 1. 5 Bank Balance £142.18.9 Dr. Cheques were signed for the following Collector of Customs Excise Enterts. Tax £ 54. 6.11 T. H. McIntosh Salary £ 41.13. 4 L'pool Union of Boys Clubs Net Gate £ 31.13. 9 L'pool County Combination do £ 17.12. 7 L'pool Schools F.A. do £ 22. 6. 6 L'pool Football League do £ 28.18. 0 Thos. Cook & Son Deposit £100. 0. 0 Thos. H. McIntosh Wages &c. £370. 0. 0 J. Garrett Share of Transfer Fee £120. 0. 0 H. Leddy do £ 55. 0. 0 Thos. H. McIntosh Exs. Copenhagen £150. 0. 0 Trainer's Report Trainer Elliott reported the following players unfit viz. Crossby, Grenyer, Macdonald, Stansfield & Smith.