20 Wadsworth Messrs Fare & Secy. reported favorably (Nelson) on this players display at M/C on 12th inst. The latter also reported that the Nelson F. C. were prepared to receive offers in writing by 21st inst. Decided that Messrs Green, Sawyer, Francis & Secy. watch him again on Saty. next & if satisfied to offer up to £1000 for him. Tootle Mr. Kirkwood reported favorably on (Skelmersdale) this player & it was decided he be seen again on Easter Monday morning. Birmingham Juniors Messrs Banks & Fare reported on the trial match on 14th inst. & that there was no player of any use to us. Almond Mr. Sawyer reported favorably on this (Marine) player & it was left in Mr. Francis' hands to try & secure his services if possible. French Secy. reported that this player was (Morton) on offer, but it was decided not to make one for him. D. Reid Chairman reported that Preston N. E. had again approached him re this player. It was agreed to rescind the minute passed at last meeting, and that they be informed we would be prepared to accept £4000 for his transfer. Shareholders The Secy. read minute of the F. A. Season Tickets Rules Revision Committee on this matter. On Mr. Clayton's proposition it was decided to give the Football League notice to have the minute of Management Committee passed on 9th August 1920 rescinded or deleted. Players on Transfer Lists of players on transfer were read, but no action taken.