237 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Station Hotel Liverpool on Thursday 27th April 1922] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) & all other directors. Retained & The list of professional players was Transfer Lists gone through & it was decided to retain the following at wages stated Summer Winter Summer Winter T. Fern 6 8 S. Chedgzoy 6 8 E. Salt 6 6 R. Irvine 6 6 R. Downs 6 8 G. Harrison 6 8 J. Macdonald 6 8 G. W. Jones 6 7 D. Livingstone 6 8 H. J. Spencer 6 6 R. Caddick 5 5 W. Chadwick 5 5 J. Peacock 6 8 A. Wall 6 6 T. Fleetwood 6 8 F. J. Alford 6 6 & £7 when 12months are up H. Hart 6 8 F. Parry 4 4 & 1£ extra in C. L. team W. Brown 6 8 H. J. Miller 5 5 D. Reid 6 8 J. McGivney 2 2 A. Grenyer 6 8 W. H. Jackson 5 5 G. Brewster 6 8 H. Young 4 4 & £1 extra in C. L. team A. Jeffes 5 5 L. Weller 6 8 J. McGrae 5 5 S. Fazackerley 6 8 &£1 extra in 1st. L. team A. Moffat 6 6 Virr 2 2 A. Leary & A. Perry were left over for further discussion. It was decided to place following on Transfer List. H. V. Fare (Free), A. Walker (Free), V. Stansfield (Free), G. Russell (Free), A. E. Smith (Free), J. Yarwood (£300), C. A. Crossley (£2000), A. Jackson (Free), J. T. Bissett (£100). Mis-statements The draft letter to the Press was re Transfer fees read over & approved & Secy. was instructed to send copy of same to L'pool Echo & Express.