236 Use of Ground Applications for use of the ground from the L'pool Co-operative Socy. & G. H. Amos were not entertained. J. E. Blair It was agreed to release this player v to remove his name from our retained list. Tranmere Rovers An application from this Club for use of our players for a benefit match on the 27th inst. was not entertained. Retain & Transfer It was decided to hold a special Lists meeting to consider this question on Thursday next at Exchange Station Hotel. Mis Statements Secy. was instructed to draft a letter re Transfer Fees to the Press regarding statements which had been made by Mr. W. R. Clayton re payments of transfer fees. Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Monday 1st May at 8:30 p.m. Confirmed 1/5/1922 A. Coffey Chairman