234 Reports re Players Mr. J. Fare reported that Raitt had Raitt & Cowan (Dundee) played very well, but he did not consider Cowan the type of player we required. St. Edwards Orphanage Mr. D. Kirkwood reported favorably on Hallows, Kelly & Bennett of this team, but that they were too young to be of use to us. Hardy, Richmond Messrs Kirkwood & Makepeace reported & Fenwick (Shildon) that neither of these players had shewn form to warrant our bothering any further. Brown (Aberaman) They also reported favorably on this player & suggested he be seen again McCluggage but that this player's form was not too good on his latest display. Evans J. (Southend) Mr. J. Fare reported that in his opinion the player was not good enough for us. Preston (Hearts) Mr. H. Makepeace stated that this player was too slow for English football. Greenshields (Albion Rovers) Mr. J. Craig reported favorably on McAvay (Clydebank Jn.) these two players & that his club were prepared to part with the first named player. Team Selections The following teams were selected v Bolton Wanders (L. C.) away. Fern, Caddick, Yarwood, Brown, Fleetwood, Peacock, Chedgzoy, Fazackerley, Chadwick, Reid, Alford. Res. Irvine & Wall. v Burnley (a) 29th inst. Fern, Downs, Livingstone, Fleetwood, Brewster, Hart, Chedgzoy, Peacock, Irvine, Reid, Alford. Res. Fazackerley. v Aston Villa Res. (h) Salt, Caddick, Yarwood, Brown, Weller, McGrae, Parry, Spencer, Chadwick, Wall, Young. Res. Jeffes.