19 [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, Liverpool on Tuesday 15th March 1921] Present Mr. A. Coffey (Chair) " H. Banks Mr. W. R. Clayton " Dr. J. C. Baxter " J. G. Davies " E. Green " W. C. Gibbins " R. T. Francis " W. J. Sawyer. Minutes The Minutes of meeting held on the 9th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The Gate Receipts v M/C United on the 9th inst. were reported to be £857.11.3 gross Tax £183.16.1 & 20% to M/C U. £102.10.7, and v Burnley Res. on 12th inst. £111.6.8 gross Tax £27.15.9. Amt. received from Football League for Expenses to meeting in London £11.4.6. The 20% from M/C City was £214.18.2. The Bank Balance was reported to be £6304.10.2 Dr. Reports of Matches Reports were received of the matches v Tottenham H. (a) 0-2, Burnley Res. (h) 3-3 & Marlboro. O. B. (a) 4-0. Trainer's Report Trainer Elliott reported all men fit except Thompson & Gray. Gray The Secy. reported that this amateur player had been badly injured on the 12th inst. He was instructed to apply to the L'pool County F. A. for permission to pay him his loss of wages & Doctors fees. Cheetham Mr. J. Fare & Secy. reported very favorably (Hull City) on this player's display at Preston, but that the club were not inclined to part with him.