225 the Directors resolved that in conjunction with the Secy. he see a Specialist as they were very anxious for his speedy recovery. Team Selections Decided to select the teams at a special meeting at the Bradford Hotel on Thursday next at 12:30. Director to Huddersfield & Hanley Mr. W. C. Gibbins. Reports re Players Mr. J. Fare reported that Hardy (O. R.) & Shildon Players Fenwick (L. H.) were very good, but that Richmond (C. F.) was not of the standard or age required. Ellison & Jones Mr. W. J. Sawyer reported that these players (Prescot) were promising & he advised they be seen again. Fleetwood Players Mr. J. McGill reported favorably on Fryer & Williams (Darwen) (C. F.), Hornby (I. R.) & Gowanlock (I. L.) of Fleetwood but stated that Williams had not played too well. Hammond (Bristol R.) Mr. H. Makepeace reported that this player was good & promising. Wrexham v Ton Pentre Secy. reported that in his opinion none of the players in this match were of use to us except left half of Ton Pentre who was promising. England v Scotland The Chairman gave a report of this match & stated that Gilchrist & Crengan half backs of Celtic had played well. Finney (New Brighton) The deputation who witnessed the New Brighton v Tranmere Rovers Cup tie stated that under the conditions Finney had shewn fair form. Barnton Victoria Mr. H. Makepeace reported that in his opinion v Stalybridge Celtic none of the players in this match were of the standard required by us. Scottish Players Mr. J. Craig reported that Hamilton (Vale of Clyde) was not good enough for us. He also stated that Preston (Hearts) was a very good player & also that Dundee were