220 England v Scotland The Chairman was deputed to attend this match at Birmingham on 8th April. Leicester City F. C. A letter was read asking for our support in this clubs application for admission to C. L. & Secy. was instructed to reply that the matter would be left in hands of representatives at Annual Meeting. Houston Cup Final Permission was granted for this match to be played on our ground on the 29th Apl. at 6.30 pm. Share Certificates New certificates were issued for the 3 shares held by the late John McCarthy, the necessary indemnity being produced & approved. R. Kelso It was decided to ask this player to come down for a months trial. Ground for A team It was agreed that as many Directors as possible view the two plots of land in Townsend Lane on Wed. next after match. Crossley & Fazackerley The Secy. reported a conversation he had with Leicester City officials & he was instructed to write & suggest we might consider an exchange of one of these players for Barrett. Brett (M/C U.) Secy. was asked to make some enquiries re this player. Players to watch Mr. E. Green to watch Williams (Darwen) " J. Fare do. Richmond & Hardy (Sheldon) " C. E. Dickinson do. Ireland v Wales match " W. C. Gibbins do. Cheshire Cup Semifinal at Chester " J. McGill do. do. at Winsford " J. Craig do. Hamilton (Vale of Clyde). Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Monday Apl. 3rd at 6.30 pm. Confirmed 3/4/1922 A. Coffey Chairman.