
		player but no action was taken until he
		could be seen play.

Davison (Durham)	A wire having been received asking
		for our best offer for this player, it was agreed
		not to make any offer at present.

Report re Ground	Mr. J. Macdonald's report on the condition
		of the ground was read. It was agreed to
		accept his recommendations and his offer to
		superintend the work for a fee of £7.7.0.

Danish Tour		A letter was read from Mr. Nils Middlesbro
		asking if we would be prepared to play
		matches in Copenhagen. The Secy. was instructed
		to ask him to meet the Chairman in London
		this week end to discuss the matter.

Lancashire Cup		Mr. W. J. Sawyer was deputed to represent
		the club at a meeting of the Lancs. F. A. at
		Burnley re this Cup Competition owing to
		Bolton, Liverpool & ourselves being equal. It
		was suggested we recommend that a lot be
		drawn for the team to compete in Semifinal.

L'pool Wed. Cup		The Secy.'s action in arranging for
		Final of this Cup to be played on our
		ground on 5th Apl. was confirmed.

Scouts Assocn.		An application for use of ground for
		this Association's Cup Final was not entertained.

Goodison Avenue		Secy. reported that Mrs. Hope tenant
Property	of No. 30 had sublet two of her rooms & he was
		asked to point out to her that we disapprove
		of her action and regret that permission to
		do so had not been asked for.

Hart			Secy. read letter from the F. A. stating
		that this player had been suspended for
		14 days from 27th inst.