18 Team Selections The following teams were selected v Tottenham Hotspur (a) 12th inst. Fern Downs Macdonald Fleetwood Brewster Weller Jones Clennell Parker Crossley Harrison Res. Robinson. v Burnley Res. (home) 12th inst. B. Howard Baker Fare Thompson Brown Garrett Peacock Gray Wall Moffat Reid Alford Res. Williams. Team v Marlborough O. B. left in hands of Mr. Kirkwood & Secy. Directors to Tottenham Messrs Green & Gibbins. C. Parry This ex-player appeared & asked, if we could send a team to Oswestry to play a Benefit match for him owing to his illness. It was agreed to do so & the fixing of date was left in hands of Secy. J. P. Oliver Secy. was instructed to write a letter of sympathy to the N'cle United F. C. re their Chairman's illness. L'pool Wed. Cup It was agreed to grant use of Final the ground on Easter Monday morning for this match. Postponed Matches The Secy.'s action in re-arranging v Chelsea Apl. 6th & Tottenham Apl. 23rd was confirmed. Next Meeting Ordered that next meeting be held at Goodison Park on Tuesday 15th inst. at 7.30 pm. Confirmed 15/3/1921 A. Coffey Chairman