215 Evans (J. H.) Mr. W. J. Sawyer reported favorably on Southend U. this player & it was decided he be seen again. Ellison (Prescot W. W.) Mr. W. Green reported this player fairly good & recommended he be seen again. Hammond Mr. H. Makepeace reported that as this (Bristol R.) players had played in 1st team, he did not see him play. C. L. match v The Secys. action in bringing this Port Vale match forward from Easter Tuesday to Wed. 29th inst. was confirmed. L'pool Hospital An application for us to endeavour Saturday fund to arrange a match for benefit of this Fund was deferred until later on. Secondary Permission was granted for this Final Schools Shield to be played on our ground on a date to be arranged between 24th inst. & 6th April. Davison (Durham City) Letters were read from the Durham City F. C. stating they were prepared to accept an offer for this player, but no action was taken. Goodison Avenue The Secy. was instructed to give notice to Property the tenants of this property that no subletting of part or the whole of a house would be permitted without the consent of the Board being first obtained. Hart Secy. read Referee's report re ordering off of this player & to which the player had replied. Central League Secy. reported that W. Brown had been v selected to play in this match & necessary Southern League permission was given for him to do so. League match Secy. reported that P. N. E. had offered to v play this postponed match on May 3rd & this Preston N. E. date was accepted.