209 Nicklin (Burton) Mr. H. Makepeace reported that this player was not good enough for us. Scottish Juniors Mr. J. Craig reported favorably on Hamilton (R.B.) Rankin (C.H.) & Stevenson (O.R.) & it was decided he see them again. Evans (Southend) A favorable report having been given of this players display in International match, it was agreed that Mr. W. J. Sawyer watch him play on Sat. next & if satisfied make enquiries as to his transfer. Brewster An enquiry having been received from the Stoke F.C. it was decided to offer them this player at £3000, and if negotiations were entered into at our match v Tottenham, the Directors present have power to deal with the matter. Fazackerley A letter was read from this player agreeing to conform to the rulings of the Directors, and it was decided to raise his suspension and he to lose 1 weeks wages. Leddy & Garrett A deputation from the Chesterfield F.C. attended with regard to these two players and it was agreed to offer them for £1000 payable as follows £250 by end of present month, £375 at 30th Novr. 1922 & £375 at 31st March 1923 - or Leddy at £800 & Garrett @ £400. The deputation agreed to this and were given permission to interview the players. Scottish League Secy. reported that J. Elliott had been v appointed trainer for English team in this match English League on 18th inst. & necessary permission was granted. Postponed match Secy. was instructed to endeavour to v Preston N.E. re arrange this match on either March 29th or April 5th.